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Wednesday, September 13, 2006



How great you and Tim were able to do jam together. The domesticity of this time of year lives deep in all of us, doesn't it? Our apples are nearly ripe and since they're not good pie apples, they are made into applesauce. I figure one frost and we'll be ready to pick. We trade apples for plums with the next door neighbors and the plums are already ripe. I miss having grapes and suppose I should plant some - our daughter lived in a rental with a lovely row of grapes that were delicious eating ones. Ah, the last kiss of summer to be sure.


When I read the title and quickly spotted Tim in the photo I thought this post was going to be about MUSIC - a jam! hahaha.

I like the old fashioned method for testing jam because you get to "lick the plate" each time you try it out and find it isn't quite ready yet.



What a handsome son you have Roz! And one who makes jam as well. ;) What more could you ask for?


The perfect son Roz :-) I can see from the photos and your writing that you had a perfect time together.


Tim is one good looking young man--and the jam experience with mum is one he'll never forget. Yum!


What's cuter - maker jam or Tim? Hard to say! I have never seen a quince in the flesh so to speak. I almost bought a bunch of figs today to make fig jam, but frankly, at ONE DOLLAR A PIECE, I bought some fancy gourmet fig jam for only $8. BTW - I love your cooker!


Sounds like one wonderful day...good for you and Tim!


What a good looking son you have! And how sweet that he helped you make the jam :)
Love the pictures!

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