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Wednesday, September 20, 2006



The Historic Food site is fascinating, I'm really interested in Medieval, Tudor and Stuart domestic life and cookery but the price of the courses would put me off when it doesn't even include accommodation. Have you ever been there? The quince paste sounds nice and looks like rather fiddly work to prepare. Worth it when you come to eat it in the winter though.


Roz....aha so thats what they look like...youre right about the skletchbook when cut in half - that caught my eye immidiately and I thought...that would make a great sketch!
I shall look out for some at the markets next week.


You are well prepared for winter now Roz :-)


So glad to hear that someone besides me loves making jams and jellies that they get from the fruit of the land. What I wouldn't give for a jar of your quince jam!


I got about 2 kg of flowering quinces from my mum yesterday, and need to make some jam soon. Thanks for the recipe!

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