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Saturday, September 27, 2008



Love the ornate hats worn by some of the women. I enjoy hats but can only wear one when I go to my Red Hats group or learn to ignore point-and-laugh!;) That's small town America! As always, truly enjoying your blog.



Our vegetable garden is at its clean up stage so not entirely beautiful but it was still enjoyable to sit outside with a book for awhile.

The Victorian photo is lovely, I can't imagine getting quite that dressed up to go enjoy the outdoors tho.



This book and its writing - oh, just perfect........By the way Roz, I might be coming to your corner of the world in mid-February. Any chance of a bed in The Autumn Cottage for a couple of nights?


Love, love, love these images -- though even midsummer, lying under an apple tree is hazardous. Any other kind of tree, but apples will still tend to fall, even long before they're ripe. I wouldn't lie under an apple tree, except perhaps in winter or spring (imagine all those petals falling on you in spring -- lovely!). Thank you for sharing the beauty, whether joyful or sad.

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