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Wednesday, September 24, 2008



How great that you were able to play hostess to these gentlemen in your home Roz. I'm going to look up the books you mention.

Coincidently, my blog post today is about a book you and others who keep diaries or journals might enjoy.


Sheila Joyce Gibbs

What a delightful web site you have !
Very warming indeed !!
If possible, I'd like to share my story, of the loss of my best-friend/husband only 17 mos 10 days ago. It has been one of the most difficult journey's of my life, but with the Grace of God, I've made it so far.
Many thanks.

Leslie Garcia

Dear Roz,
First of all...THANK YOU for the link to the interview with Oprah on The Book "Simple Abundance" and the Author..it was wonderful!

I will look up the books that you have just mentioned in your post...just what I need I think!

I would love to hear Sheila's story too.
Best regards,


I am intrigued by the possibilities of the book. I'm adding to my Good Reads list. Thank you for the lead.


P.S. Just went looking for Crossroads. Not on Amazon. Not listed through Good Reads either. Disappointing. I'll keep looking.

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