This is where you'll find me
- for the next month, at least. I'm in the last stages of writing up my Dissertation, but there is still a lot to do. So I'll be in the company of my books for most of each day - but it will all be worth it in the end. (If I say it often enough, I'll possibly believe it!)
I don't have far to go for compensations for being a bit house-bound...look what turned up in the garden yesterday...pretty, isn't it? A little muntjac deer, munching on windfall apples. As long as no munching on roses occurs, the little beastie will be safe :-). And look at the lavender...thats the hedge I planted last year around the herb garden fence. More pictures to follow when I have a spare mo' or two.
Now don't you go too far, now...I'll be back soon!
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