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Monday, November 21, 2011



And thank YOU for sharing it further...I like the concept. I guess I've been practicing something like it all along but never thought of it in these terms. I like it.


A very appealing idea Roz. As you know only kept a journal in fits and starts. Often inspired by something you've written. I wonder if this "idea" would take hold for me.



I have dropped in after a long absence and was delighted to find this connection to the how-to of writing small stones. I love haiku and write haiku quite a lot but this less structured style is very much to my liking. Thanks so much for sharing it here.

Margaret Lambert

Capturing moments in time is a concept which has intrigued me my whole life, and I have rarely ever captured one with a camera. It is words and memory which are always at hand, and I appreciate that it is a personal enough process that we needn't worry about being too 'correct', though I appreciate that as well. In others' words!


This is a truly lovely post. You have explained this tradition in such a lovely way. I've seen blogs that speak of "stones" as in 2stones, 3 stones, etc. but did not know what it meant. Many thanks for stating it so clearly and for the photo of Schindler's grave. Many thanks!


I have somehow become unsubscribed (unintentionally) and missed this original post. I LOVE IT. I think this is something I do, though. And I've been loving yours. :) xox

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