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Tuesday, January 07, 2014


Anthony V. Toscano

No, no, no, Roz. This is not a "poor old back garden." This is Eden as Nature intended her. When you trim here and there, you create welcome room for humanity. I love your spot on Earth.


Yes, spring is on the way, absolutely! And happy New Year!


Beautiful in my eyes!


Your back garden looks much like mine, minus the daffodils. It's mild, here, on the west side of the Rockies. And not as wet as the UK. Our winter is sputtering along pretty much as normal, although it's too soon to assume that will continue.

Stay dry and warm!


Its an enchanted garden to me, Roz! I love gardens in all seasons but your spring ferns and pots with green warmed me on this cold Arctic like day in Pa. So nice to see the bird feeders too.

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