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Friday, July 24, 2015



Loved this rainy day idea, Roz. Sitting in your little summerhouse was delightful - one of those memories that lasts forever. Hugs to you, Dear Lady.

Jamie Chavez

My whole house is my refuge. :) The sign outside reads "faoi síocháin" (I haven't checked the spelling, just going by memory), which is "at peace" in Irish. :)

Sarah Wrightson

It is such a joy to have you sending blogs regularly again! Thank you.

Florence Degallaix - Milite

I'm french and I don't English but I love your blog. Je ne pourrais en dire plus dans votre langue. Mais comme vous, je suis une amoureuse de mon jardin et de tout ce qui s'y rapporte. Je vous dis bravo c'est magnifique. Aujourd'hui, je vais planter des hydrangeas. J'ai craqué. Bonne journée.

brenda scofield

Aaaahhhh the summer house..... What memories Roz! I think it looks quite wonderful now. It should be figuring in some fancy shmancy home magazine. Would you like to come down to Sydney and tell me what to of with my, "I don't know what to do with it" room? Of course if I got around to selling my set of eight dining chairs which are stored there and asked AC to remove her huge chest of drawers then I might get around to it!


What a delight to once again venture into your delightful summer house. I hadn't remembered the White Rabbit - he's adorable. I have a little fairy, almost like yours, that sits in my planter on the deck. I don't have a potting shed but do have a nice bench that sits down by the basement door, sheltered under a cedar tree, that former neighbors gave to me when they moved away. It's rather a catch all for pots and odds and ends, but very handy. LOved your post and hope the dry part of spring arrives for you soon.

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