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Monday, September 07, 2015



What a touching post. I feel the same about my father, some days his absence is like a physical pain...but the good memories always help me.


Those of us who have been fortunate enough to have had Mothers we cherish, either in person or in memory, have been blessed beyond measure. This is such a tenderly written tribute to a lady I wish I'd had the chance to meet. Sending love.

Teresa Watkins

Wonderful tribute to your mom. Thank you for sharing.

Jamie Chavez

Roz, what a beautiful memorial. xox


A touching post and filled with sentiment that I fully understand.
What a beautiful churchyard, a lovely spot to rest in for eternity.
You obviously loved and still love her very much.


What a sweet, kind mother she looks, sitting in the red car, you children at her feet. I love what you say about grief being the price you pay for love.


What a wonderful post; beautifully written.

brenda scofield

I remember her Roz, sitting, neat as a pin in Autumn Cottage, hair like a cloud of white and a beautiful smile on her face. It seems that it was a peaceful place for her after life's vicissitudes. Why was it that women of her generation seemed incredibly strong when it has been a quality claimed by so many "modern" women? For the real female strength I think we do well to look back.

Florence Degallaix - Milite

Bonjour, Je vous remercie pour ces magnifiques photos. Comme j'aimerais y être. Bien à vous.

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