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Wednesday, October 25, 2017



As for your walk and pics: "like" ":)"
As for news: I had to disconnect from my news in the US for the same reason. It was hurting my soul to hear all that crap. Thanks for the reminder to just get back to nature for some healing.


I find my peace in the intricacies of knitting -- I do charity knitting, hats for chemotherapy patients at a local cancer center -- although lately I've been trying very hard not to feel like Mme. Defarge . . .


You have a beautiful, restorative walk, Roz. Very peaceful. So glad that it helped.


Comme il est triste de voir que des personnes sont irrespectueuses de la nature qui les entoure. Pourtant sans cette nature, sa faune et sa flore que serions nous ? Vous photos m'enchantent et me donne envie d'aller me promener avec mon Petit Fils cet après midi. Cela est apaisant. Bonne journée qui est brumeuse et fraiche chez moi.


Ah....the healing power of nature. It works it's magic on me as soon as I step into the forest or along a tree lined path. Powerful! Your lovely pictures were a gift of calm on this morning. Peace to you and to all of us. Kind regards.

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