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Sunday, March 04, 2018



Hi Roz, lovely post. And I’m glad you have been treating yourself “sensibly”! Cx

Lilly's mom

Such lovely wildlife you have at your doorstep! Two little doves visited my home this afternoon. I hope your weather warms up a bit. Wishing you a wonderful week, Pat


Beautiful! Good to see both moorhens back and all the others enjoying the feast you provide.

Mad Englishwoman

Another lovely post. Love the picture of the muntjac. Also, I was pleased in the previous post to see your picture of the redwing as I've never identified one before but now I will be better equipped. I do agree with you about how good it is to be reminded that Mother Nature is in control. I find that restful (but Himself doesn't!).

Stephanie Lish

I so enjoyed the post. Many in more southerly climes often like to criticize our colder winters here in New York (these people assume we are miserable as the thermometer drops and snow falls). I always just smile and thank God for the "shut-down" as you put it. Some years we are blessed with more of these days. It's wonderful to have daily life grind to a halt and leave you with nothing else to do but enjoy the comforts of home.

I can tell you for a fact that what you have found is not the droppings from any grey squirrel I've ever encountered. Squirrel droppings are very small and ovoid in shape. I don't even think it would be physically possible for a grey squirrel to pass something the size of what you are holding.

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