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Tuesday, August 06, 2019



Many people have said to me “ I work on the computer all day at work I don’t want to come home and be on the computer. “. I would tell them that I felt like it was my mailbox full of my friends coming to see me or talk to me send me a note just to say hi. After reading your article about rejuvenating your soul I can tell this is exactly what my soul needs right now is rejuvenation. Being in a funk is not fun I’m trying to get out of it is not easy.

Ardi Butler

I so agree with Terri - the email and FB posts seem almost as good as a letter in the mailbox. And there have been some delightful times when I've gotten to meet some of them in person - i.e. Roz, Britt-Arnhild, Darla, etc. And I also enjoy reading about how everyday life is in other places - places that I probably would never have an occasion to know about otherwise. Thanks you, Roz, for all these years of friendship and joy.

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