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Thursday, October 31, 2019


Helen Woodroffe

As the other person who spends two Saturdays a month (at least) pretending to be in a Court of Vampires (Tim's partner Helen here *waves*)
It's strange that wanting to go to 'Transylvania' and see 'Dracula's'is something I have wanted to do from my childhood probably even before I read Bran Stoners Dracula. I have been a morris dancer, history enthusiast, pagan and goth for as long as I have had a job and free choice.
I have often been to Whitby and Whitby cliffs in a cold windy night with the Abbey ruins definitely have a spooky satisfyingly gothic experience, especially alone and in costume.

We are so grateful to Corina and her family for doing all the arranging to ebable pir 'trip' to the mountains. Castle Bran up until the door delivers the complete tacky tourist attraction and Tim and I were loving it.

Once inside it was great that 'Vlad' and his tale were kept to one room. Walking around with the interior set as a 'home' was a mixture of seeing the fairytale surroundings that a young Princess made her home and then the achingly sad tale of being ripped away from it.

The feeling we left the Castle with was beautiful and incredibly sad which is everything that classical gothic is in essence from Frankenstein's monster to the Victorian Penny Dreadful to the excellent ghost stories of the twenties and thirties.

Later dramatic scenery of mountains wreathed in autumn leaves faded to a incredibly dark night. We rarely get proper dark away from houses, cars and streetlights. The view outside was completely empty, apart from the natural world staring back.

Whilst Corina's family cooked us a feast I really, as I know you did Roz, got the feeling of the forest intruding into us, rather than humans dominating the landscape, the night belonged to the Bears, the Wolves, the trees and the darkness but certainly not to us. That feeling was a thrilling and chilling as anything the word ' transylevnia' conjors from the imagination. Another gift from Romania, we will visiting again.

Mad Englishwoman and Dog

I'm so excited at the thought that there's a country not too far away where nature is still wild. Wild nature is what I crave all the time, and I wonder if I'll ever visit Romania myself. I do hope you'll tell us more about the place.
We experienced something similar when we visited Norway last year (for a family get-together). So few people, zero tourism, so much stunning wild countryside. Religion however was not in evidence, even though I believe there is a strong fundamental Christianity in the country. (See my blog if interested!)

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