This is a hardy Hibiscus that I planted three years ago; It has never flowered until now, but this year it has put out these beautiful blooms. It is a late flowering beauty - both in the length of time that I have had to wait for it to blossom, and also in the fact that it is blooming late in the year.
In my late 50s, I took myself off to University and studied for a Masters degree; I received the wonderful experience of a graduation ceremony in Winchester cathedral for my 60th birthday. I too was late flowering!
We often feel that we have left things too late - that we are too old, (too unfit, too tired, too fat, too clumsy…etc etc – the list can go on forever) to do what we would still love to do. But I think we have to keep going until the engine finally stops; until then, you are never too old and it is never too late! Whatever it is you long to do, give it a go - then at least you can say you tried. Even if you try and fail, try again - fail better next time! - it's better than not having tried at all.
Journal prompt
Are you a late flowering beauty? Have you tried and achieved something later in life, of which you can say you feel proud? If you have tried and not quite achieved what you would love to have done, are there any adjustments or different roads you might take in order to achieve or get near to your goal? Sometimes, even a slight change in focus can set you on a new path and getting to, or even near to your initial goal can be a satisfaction in itself, especially if the journey there becomes part of the pleasure. What ‘tweaks’ could you make to your outlook and aims that might help you to get there – or get close? (It doesn’t have to be ‘all or n