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In midwinter
The chaos of the jumbled potting shed
items thrown in to keep them dry
but the door left open -
a refuge for roosting birds
Overwintered seedlings, now eager for the light
flailing their leaves towards the watery sun;
pale precursors of their bursting purple future.
Full fluffed feathers
against the winter cold;
Peck, peck - look
Hanging on for dear life;
Alert, always, to danger
...especially when feasting.
Battered, broken and torn
discarded in the bottom of a box.
Fingerprints, droplets, stains;
its reason for being
smeared over its body.
Give it a decent burial?
No - there's life in the old book yet.
Squelching to the compost bin
through old and rotting leaves around its base.
Suddenly, between the toes...
cold and creeping wetness;
a lurking hole in the sole of my shoe.
Along the mundane pathway of the weekly shopping trail,
turning a corner, regaled with singing colour -
uplifted from the greyness of the traipsing chore in hand.
Pasted in the corner of an old journal
(Honeymoon, English,
touring Europe, 1883).
On the pages written in Venice -
this contemporary newspaper clipping.
No euphemisms here
in the search for a solution!
Not a Yellow Brick Road
but a bark chipping pathway,
soft underfoot,
leading me down
past the naked new fence.
Exposed, undressed,
waiting clothing with climbers -
I avert my eyes!
Blooms of dessication in the winter garden
Flowering death - enshrouding life
(Jerusalem Sage )
Sky Arts TV
'Picasso and Braque at the Cinema'
...the movies; their influence on art.
Me, watching the small screen
playing the big screen.
Many layers, many editors
many realities.
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